CUSTOMS LAW AND DOCUMENTATION in the context of the latest developments

The participant of the training will gain knowledge about the risks, liability, costs, opportunities and threats that accompany the work of production entities, customs agencies, forwarding companies, carriers and consumers. The training will be devoted to presenting the possibilities of using optimal customs procedures, the most common mistakes and indicating their solution/avoidance. EU Law – extended to include case studies and document analysis based on elements of consultation.



949 pln netto



949 pln netto

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  • Wszystkie szkolenia otwarte możemy zorganizować również w formule zamkniętej.

  • Program szkolenia


    Informacje organizacyjne

    1. 1
      Regulations governing trade in goods with foreign countries
    2. 2
      Authorities under the KAS
    3. 3
      Competences of customs and tax authorities in PL
    4. 4
    5. 5
      Customs status of T2L goods
    6. 6
      The process of importing goods into the EU
    7. 7
      Customs supervision
    8. 8
      Customs control
    9. 9
      Restrictions and prohibitions on trade with foreign countries
    10. 10
      Customs procedures - SAD document
    11. 11
      Documents required for notification:
      • requirements to be met by the invoice
      • waybills
    12. 12
    13. 13
    14. 14
      Transit T1, T2 + TIR
    15. 15
      Origin of goods
    16. 16
      Customs Tariff
    17. 17
      Customs value
    18. 18
      Customs proceedings
    19. 19
    20. 20
      Special procedures:
      • customs warehouse
      • inward processing
      • outward processing
      • temporary admission + ATA

    If you want:

    • learn about the obligations of an entity participating in the exchange of goods with foreign countries;
    • learn about customs procedures allowing for time and cost optimization in foreign trade with foreign countries;
    • be able to identify tariff and non-tariff restrictions on trade in goods;
    • learn how to avoid mistakes;
    • find out what aspects to pay special attention to;
    • know what to do when irregularities are detected;
    • find out what changes await us in the near future.

    The participant of the training will gain knowledge about the risks, liability, costs, opportunities and threats that accompany the work of production entities, customs agencies, forwarding companies, carriers and consumers. The training will be devoted to presenting the possibilities of using optimal customs procedures, the most common mistakes and indicating their solution/avoidance. EU Law – extended to include case studies and document analysis based on elements of consultation.

    If you want:

    • learn about the obligations of an entity participating in the exchange of goods with foreign  countries;
    • learn about customs procedures allowing for time and cost optimization in foreign trade with foreign countries;
    • be able to identify tariff and non-tariff restrictions on trade in goods;
    • learn how to avoid mistakes;
    • find out what aspects to pay special attention to;
    • know what to do when irregularities are detected;
    • find out what changes await us in the near future.

    Program szkolenia

    • Regulations governing trade in goods with foreign countries
    • Authorities under the KAS
    • Competences of customs and tax authorities in PL
    • EORI
    • Customs status of T2L goods
    • The process of importing goods into the EU
    • Customs supervision
    • Customs control
    • Restrictions and prohibitions on trade with foreign countries
    • Customs procedures – SAD document
    • Documents required for notification:
      • requirements to be met by the invoice
      • waybills
    • Imports
    • Export
    • Transit T1, T2 + TIR
    • Origin of goods
    • Customs Tariff
    • Customs value
    • Customs proceedings
    • AEO
    • Special procedures:
      • customs warehouse
      • inward processing
      • outward processing
      • temporary admission + ATA

    Cena zawiera:

    • 7 godzin dydaktycznych warsztatów.
    • Dostęp do platformy w czasie realizacji szkolenia.
    • Autorskie materiały szkoleniowe (w formie PDF – przesłane przed rozpoczęciem szkolenia).
    • Zaświadczenia o przebytym szkoleniu dla każdego uczestnika.

    Wymagania techniczne:

    • komputer lub telefon z dostępem do Internetu,
    • przeglądarka internetowa,
    • głośniki lub słuchawki,
    • kamera, mikrofon